I am currently a postdoc at the Cook Center at Duke University. My research focuses on development, environmental, energy, and health economics. I am also interested in Industrial policies and health disparities. Prior to joining Duke, I completed a Ph.D. in Social Science from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2023 and was a Postgraduate Fellow at the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at the Yale University. Reach me at [email protected].

Prior to Ph.D. study, I graduated from Chinese University of Hong Kong with a B.Soc.Sc. in Economics and from National Taiwan University with a Master in Agricultural Economics.
Recent Works
Tapping into Excess Capacity: Chinese Machinery Export and African Industrialization.
Accepted in the Trade and Uneven Development Conference, co-organized by World Bank and the Journal of International Economics and invited to submit to Journal of International Economics
with Yatang Lin, Fangyuan Peng, Jin Wang

Quantity-Quality Trade-off in Northeast China during the Qing Dynasty.
Journal of Population Economics, 2023, 1-38.
with Yu Bai and Yanjun Li

Long-Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Academic Performance Among Children in North Carolina.
JAMA Network Open, 6(10), 2023.
with Emma Zang, Dieyi Chen, Riyang Liu, Kai Chen. Link
                 •  Selected Media Coverage: World Economic Forum